Since 1987 when the Bank of England, Britain's central bank, started the London Bullion Market Association and started supervising London's gold and silver markets, gold and silver have stopped responding to monetary inflation by central banks. At the center, is London's (the globally dominant physical gold and silver market) creation of promissory note trading of gold and silver - essentially making gold and silver virtual assets - to set the daily price of gold and silver. Each day, London traded 2.5x to 3x annual gold and silver mine production. Big picture review.
Off topic:
I am not open in internet, use no fakebock et al and have no dumpfone - but today I was controlled in a way... CBDC cannot be worse. I have a point David, may I?
High taxes in Europe had made me look for a job abroad. That became my life. These days I am in the north of Southamerica...
My bank in Asia had put my account dormant as I have no housebill in my name. They need to know exactly WHERE I sleep, because the passport tells the country and the town I am in - not good enough! My rent contract - nope, my income - nope! It must be a bank paper, which tells my name and my address. Well, yes, that could work, but my actual country is sanctioned by my native country and the banks there cannot use my address or they must close my accounts. This has happened to me before and exactly for that reason I had once opened the account in Asia - just in case.
So after two years of being separated from my savings, an Asian soul had an idea. I filled out twelve forms and went to DHL to mail them. My girl gave me her cell number, because I would need one. (What for?)
The address is a huge bank, which is in her own tower. Like "Jensen Tower East".
1. I needed to give a person's name. It was not allowed to send to "Jensen bank". I added a "David" on the letter.
2. And his phone number? WHAT? I drove home to find a number and tried again. Now with phone number.
3. Email address? David's was added.
4. My email? Added. My phone number? I gave that of my partner.
5. My passport? Copy was taken and screened in.
6. Then he opened MY letter with a knife and checked the papers. (Are you xyz kidding me???)
7. Then he gave me a paper where I had to put both of my thumb prints on.
8. He took a photo of my face.
Then I paid sixty USD for that HUGE lesson in enslavement!
The libertarian in me was exploding, but I need that backup account usable and the post system here is bankrupt longtime.
My driver explained; not his fault - the program needs that info... The customs ordered that... No, I was unwilling to forgive or understand!
Three kilometers from here lies Simon Bolivar - the liberator of Southamerica - who had said: "Libertad o Muerte!" I have visited that place, where he must turn in his coffin. I am so angry with me!
I thought CBDC would not survive as people would start a rebellion...
The vaxxed do not rebell - the unvaxxed do. Normal people accept everything.
I could say: "I had no other possibility", which is a lame excuse. Truth is: I fell today for sending a letter!
We all need another future, than this reality!!
They can’t ever roll out CBDC or they would have already done it. It was an absolute failure so now we wait for the inevitable collapse of the whole house of cards.