As Rick Rule always points out, the best investments are the ones that have staying power but are currently hated. Silver is the commodity most feared and hated above all others by the government, thanks to its dual role as both indispensable commodity and money. No silver, no electronics, no CBDC’s, no weapons of war, no electronic surveillance nooses for the people and no way for the parasite class to complete their dreams of impoverishment and enslavement of the planet. And that’s why the government wants us to hate silver, so THEY can hoard it all for their nefarious purposes against us, and cheaply. On the other hand, if we the people have silver in our hands, we can transact freely amongst ourselves with no government oversight or control. Oh, the horror!
Generally, when the government hates an asset, the people follow suit in their investing choices. That’s largely because the government manipulates policy to make the asset financially unattractive. Negativity begets negativity. But the people have, fortunately, started waking up, and the industrial use of silver has done nothing but expand in size and form. Silver is rapidly headed towards becoming a commercially extinct commodity. That alone should be sending its price skyrocketing, but its extremely critical nature means governments absolutely, positively CANNOT have the plebes taking notice, acquiring or keeping any in their own hands! Every diversion trick must therefore be pulled out to discourage investment interest by the “little people”.
Therefore, you might consider cheap silver a once-in-history type of gift. Ignore the price fluctuations “a dollar here, a dollar there”. Compared to its true, unmanipulated value, silver is the least expensive commodity on the planet, and has been for about 44 years, now. The appearance of the Ratfink in London, in context of at least two major (silver devouring) wars taking place, the drive to electrify everything, rapidly rising global totalitarianism, increasing deficits in the above-ground silver stockpile, China pre-emptying the West by sucking down unrefined silver dorre from South America, the wealthy getting nervous about the banking system and the public waking up to silver as savings (Costco and Walmart, anyone?), does seem to suggest that limits are being reached and something needs to be done about that! So every trick imaginable - and some we can’t even dream
of - will be pulled to stop the threat to the banks whose job it is to keep the silver price suppressed.
Silver may well be the global tyrants’ Death Star’s waste port. If we attack (purchase) en masse, don’t get distracted and don’t let up, we could potentially blow the machine up and turn the tables. I think that’s why Trump is now touting Bitcon instead of gold. That plus the fact that, via Tether, Bitcon is a back door way to fund Treasuries and keep Uncle Sam’s borrowing spree going just a bit longer (see Rafi Farber’s End Game Investor for more details.) So if you wish to be part of the resistance, buy silver. Now! And as much as possible. And have courage, the enemy will fight us literally to the death over this and they ARE powerful! But more and more evidence suggests they are worried, they may be cracking, and continued attack might just push them over the edge.
When fighting the long game, simple acts conducted repeatedly are often the most meaningful. Buying whatever silver you can afford is an incredibly simple act. But over time that will hit our enemies where it hurts. And it looks like the time has come when they’re feeling the first hints of real pain. So have courage, keep buying, and hold on to it no matter what! Nobody said this would be easy. But if we all pitch in together,don’t flinch, and commit to standing up through the ugly that’s coming one way or the other, we CAN secure a much better future for ourselves and future generations.
If Larry Fink is giving us a clue, then the time is now, and our swords and shields are silver ones. Who’s up for the fight?
I used to sell, repair, and maintain lifeboats for a living, so the answer to your question, "when should you sell your lifeboat" is only when you have purchased and taken delivery of a suitable replacement!
Yet another good angle on this David. They'll be selling paper bags of thin air shortly. I wonder what the premium will be for bags of fresh country air as opposed to bags of (laughable) "clean" air from central london. Perhaps some real smart person will be able to tell us the difference between the bags of air and bitcoin. Which has more intrinsic value?
Spotted the tweet below on Maneco64's video yesterday (12/6/24) at around 13:50.
I don't bother with the fake paper games, but a 1 ounce contract is A LOT smaller than a typical 100 oz futures contract! Seems like a ploy to draw retail muppets into paper.
Interesting. The are still dealing in claims for metal as Mario notes and not metal itself. He is right - they do not want people going to Costco or their local coin shop.
The tidal wave of retail buyers will be tragically epic… hopefully this admonishment will be a clarion call to action for all who receive this message.
The run will also cause the 25B oz of silver that is above ground to start to circulate - it will free the lifeboats from the Globalist digital control plan.
I’m very wary of a pumped bubbling “asset” whose chief salesman tells me it’s “energy”. Well, how many BTU’s or barrels of oil per BTC then? And when and where can I burn this inherent energy? Should be simple enough to answer. But it never is.
Hi Luke, you mentioned the "energy" aspect pitched by the chief salesman. My retort would be "but it's spent energy, no longer available or recoverable in any form, and now you want me to buy and hold a silly digital receipt of that wasted energy".
The difference with silver and gold coins or bars are they are recognizable forms of stored energy, representing work already done. Now you have perfect forms of economic stored energy ready to be physically traded for something else of equal value (stored useful energy in the forms of food, clothing, fuel, lumber, etc.) in the real world. When these other things we need or want wear out or are used up, the silver and gold remain allowing this process to continue.
I think most here understand this idea intuitively. We all just wanna keep the fruits of our labour and be left unhindered by financial predators in a free marketplace.
Remember also, each time a BTC transaction occurs - of any size - the energy required to update the blockchain on the transaction is enough to power a family home for 9 days. Clearly dysfunctional and a fraud.
100%!! Look at this video below from Australia, just the first few minutes. This can't end well and this behaviour from many investors has become quite normal and is expanding rapidly as more and more folks are coming to invest in bitcoin and crypto. Its like the roaring 20's before the 29 crash.
"Hey Kier, you got that LBMA thang going over here in London, i mean, how about making that "B" stand for something fancy digital that doesn't exist ? We even have an ETF for it ! It's just broken a hundred thousand bucks (which incidentally also do not exist but - shhhhh)"
They are going to manipulate Bitcoin and other crypto's with digital paper trades just like they did with silver.
The young guys who are making a fortune off bitcoin and alt crypto's don't know what is coming. The precious metal investors have seen this game before and what happens when the banks and big investors like Blackrock get there hands on the market.
Not saying you still can't make good money off crypto and there is some incredible technology in that space.
What's your thoughts on Trump pumping crypto, sounds like we will see bitcoin, tether and the us dollar intertwine much more next year.
Talk about adding insult to injury to silver stackers. They just never relent, always wanting more. When does the karma boomerang come back in full swing for any of the psychopaths currently running things? Meanwhile, they're trying to lure in many more future victims with their schemes.
As always, David, thank you for being a beacon in the night. I hope many find safe harbour through your efforts here.
Its fascinating to watch, so much at play with so many key players involved. Maybe it is a distraction to the main show.
Bitcoin was supposed to be people's money but now the banks and big investors have the largest stake and the people are coming in droves from around the world. Peter Schiff makes this point in arguments continually.
Do they want to pass the crisis onto Trump is another factor worth considering.
I know I'm a bit late with this but anyway: I'm curious, if I have enough spare cash(I don't) lying around and I decided to buy a few btc, who is the actual beneficiary of the funds I transfer across. Which bank actually holds the funds. I find it all so weird that someone can set up in business, advertising a bunch of, one off, numbers and letters in return for $100k. These letter and numbers will be sent to you by electronic form. There will be no paper note and no paper documentation whatsoever that you ever bought those letters and numbers anywhere other that on your device. Lose the device. Have it wiped by a virus or any other for of loss and you're stuffed. Stuffed and trussed up like a Christmas turkey. Broke and In the gutter and yet thousands of people have bought into this bunch of letters and numbers that you cannot even hold in your hand. This Cj477ry77vbfhujbfj467885ifhgBh8r6r =$100,000 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️
Hi David, great article to reflect on. For the fun of it, and if you had to guess, what sort of price would BTC have to go to get silver stackers to change their minds? And at that price, approximately what would silver's price be? A guess is good enough for me. No one can really know. Cheers!
BTC is being sent to the moon with help of IBIT. Silver owners implicitly understand that BTC is manure. Can't say the price at which manure becomes of interest to silver holders, if at all. McAfee understood BTC was going to zero and warned us.
Great article! If you own gold or silver, it's best to own it outright (physically).
However, considering the 1933 experience when President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed private ownership of gold, nothing is ever 100% safe. Aside from a repeat of that action or the risk of theft, physical ownership is best.
If you prefer a silver ETF, I personally (along with other investors) prefer PSLV (Sprott Physical Silver Trust), as its collateral storage seems much more secure and reliable than SLV.
You make a great point. Not everyone turned in their gold when private ownership of gold was outlawed between 1933 and 1974; many kept their gold, but they did so at the risk of fines and prison time. I am not against physical gold—in fact, I like it quite a bit. I believe it should be part of an investment portfolio. My only point is that one needs to be aware of that scenario. Nothing is 100% safe. When it comes to investing, I like the quote, "There are no certainties, only probabilities."
As Rick Rule always points out, the best investments are the ones that have staying power but are currently hated. Silver is the commodity most feared and hated above all others by the government, thanks to its dual role as both indispensable commodity and money. No silver, no electronics, no CBDC’s, no weapons of war, no electronic surveillance nooses for the people and no way for the parasite class to complete their dreams of impoverishment and enslavement of the planet. And that’s why the government wants us to hate silver, so THEY can hoard it all for their nefarious purposes against us, and cheaply. On the other hand, if we the people have silver in our hands, we can transact freely amongst ourselves with no government oversight or control. Oh, the horror!
Generally, when the government hates an asset, the people follow suit in their investing choices. That’s largely because the government manipulates policy to make the asset financially unattractive. Negativity begets negativity. But the people have, fortunately, started waking up, and the industrial use of silver has done nothing but expand in size and form. Silver is rapidly headed towards becoming a commercially extinct commodity. That alone should be sending its price skyrocketing, but its extremely critical nature means governments absolutely, positively CANNOT have the plebes taking notice, acquiring or keeping any in their own hands! Every diversion trick must therefore be pulled out to discourage investment interest by the “little people”.
Therefore, you might consider cheap silver a once-in-history type of gift. Ignore the price fluctuations “a dollar here, a dollar there”. Compared to its true, unmanipulated value, silver is the least expensive commodity on the planet, and has been for about 44 years, now. The appearance of the Ratfink in London, in context of at least two major (silver devouring) wars taking place, the drive to electrify everything, rapidly rising global totalitarianism, increasing deficits in the above-ground silver stockpile, China pre-emptying the West by sucking down unrefined silver dorre from South America, the wealthy getting nervous about the banking system and the public waking up to silver as savings (Costco and Walmart, anyone?), does seem to suggest that limits are being reached and something needs to be done about that! So every trick imaginable - and some we can’t even dream
of - will be pulled to stop the threat to the banks whose job it is to keep the silver price suppressed.
Silver may well be the global tyrants’ Death Star’s waste port. If we attack (purchase) en masse, don’t get distracted and don’t let up, we could potentially blow the machine up and turn the tables. I think that’s why Trump is now touting Bitcon instead of gold. That plus the fact that, via Tether, Bitcon is a back door way to fund Treasuries and keep Uncle Sam’s borrowing spree going just a bit longer (see Rafi Farber’s End Game Investor for more details.) So if you wish to be part of the resistance, buy silver. Now! And as much as possible. And have courage, the enemy will fight us literally to the death over this and they ARE powerful! But more and more evidence suggests they are worried, they may be cracking, and continued attack might just push them over the edge.
When fighting the long game, simple acts conducted repeatedly are often the most meaningful. Buying whatever silver you can afford is an incredibly simple act. But over time that will hit our enemies where it hurts. And it looks like the time has come when they’re feeling the first hints of real pain. So have courage, keep buying, and hold on to it no matter what! Nobody said this would be easy. But if we all pitch in together,don’t flinch, and commit to standing up through the ugly that’s coming one way or the other, we CAN secure a much better future for ourselves and future generations.
If Larry Fink is giving us a clue, then the time is now, and our swords and shields are silver ones. Who’s up for the fight?
What a fantastic reply Bumblebee!
Thank you! I hope to educate and inspire.
The US gubmint doing a 180 on crypto should tell you all you need to know...
Keep stacking!
That was excellent. Thank you.
My pleasure, Candy.
I used to sell, repair, and maintain lifeboats for a living, so the answer to your question, "when should you sell your lifeboat" is only when you have purchased and taken delivery of a suitable replacement!
I’m thinking I should write Mr. Fink a nice thank-you letter for Blackrock’s graciously extending my affordable silver stacking window.
They seem like swell chaps to me. :/
Yet another good angle on this David. They'll be selling paper bags of thin air shortly. I wonder what the premium will be for bags of fresh country air as opposed to bags of (laughable) "clean" air from central london. Perhaps some real smart person will be able to tell us the difference between the bags of air and bitcoin. Which has more intrinsic value?
Spotted the tweet below on Maneco64's video yesterday (12/6/24) at around 13:50.
I don't bother with the fake paper games, but a 1 ounce contract is A LOT smaller than a typical 100 oz futures contract! Seems like a ploy to draw retail muppets into paper.
CME announcement
Interesting. The are still dealing in claims for metal as Mario notes and not metal itself. He is right - they do not want people going to Costco or their local coin shop.
Wooden nickels thrown in the street for the plebs who are too distracted by Taylor Swift to see the steamroller coming.
First the man desires to possess the image, then the image possesses the man.
Who owns who in the Synthetic Universe?
But I own "secure" copies of digital ledger entries, and my digi-bits are unique and limited, right?
The AI god of the Black Cube cult giveth and it taketh away; it shall surely reap where you sow. Ra-men, sayeth the high priests of finance!
Beyond this point, the higher the nominal values of all these digital "assets" rise the closer they are to zero, in my opinion.
The tidal wave of retail buyers will be tragically epic… hopefully this admonishment will be a clarion call to action for all who receive this message.
The run will also cause the 25B oz of silver that is above ground to start to circulate - it will free the lifeboats from the Globalist digital control plan.
I’m very wary of a pumped bubbling “asset” whose chief salesman tells me it’s “energy”. Well, how many BTU’s or barrels of oil per BTC then? And when and where can I burn this inherent energy? Should be simple enough to answer. But it never is.
It is an embarrassing fraud when you look at it.
Hi Luke, you mentioned the "energy" aspect pitched by the chief salesman. My retort would be "but it's spent energy, no longer available or recoverable in any form, and now you want me to buy and hold a silly digital receipt of that wasted energy".
The difference with silver and gold coins or bars are they are recognizable forms of stored energy, representing work already done. Now you have perfect forms of economic stored energy ready to be physically traded for something else of equal value (stored useful energy in the forms of food, clothing, fuel, lumber, etc.) in the real world. When these other things we need or want wear out or are used up, the silver and gold remain allowing this process to continue.
I think most here understand this idea intuitively. We all just wanna keep the fruits of our labour and be left unhindered by financial predators in a free marketplace.
Remember also, each time a BTC transaction occurs - of any size - the energy required to update the blockchain on the transaction is enough to power a family home for 9 days. Clearly dysfunctional and a fraud.
Really? So this whole "save the planet" is for everyone else 🤦🏻♂️
Absolutely outrageous ! Hard to believe...
Really good article David, as always. Thanks
Great point! I remember hearing that now, totally absurd, clown world at its finest.
Excellent piece. Spot on
How in any way is this a natural or healthy structure? I see this type of unbalanced structure as unstable and unsustainable.
What happens when 1% of Bitcoin holders control 99% of BTC supply?
Whales have amassed a large portion of the Bitcoin in circulation, with around 1.86% of addresses holding most of the supply.
Is this part of the reason for BTC's meteoric rise of late? Can one company affect the price of a financial product to this extent?
MicroStrategy Makes Record-Breaking Bitcoin Purchase, Bolstering Its Holdings to Over $37 Billion
MicroStrategy bought 15,400 more bitcoin for $1.5 billion last week,
taking its total holdings to 402,100 BTC.
The company's bitcoin holdings are worth roughly $38.2 billion at
bitcoin's current price of $95,000.
Blackrock has bought 500,000 BTC so far this year.
MicroStrategy and Blackrock alone buying can send BTC to many millions of $ per BitCoin. And they are.
Check this out David.
That is not the look of people's money as bitcoiner's around the world advocate
and promote and when you look really close at who owns and controls most of it, this is not good for liberty, truth, rule of law or sound money.
It is a closely held promotion to extract wealth.
100%!! Look at this video below from Australia, just the first few minutes. This can't end well and this behaviour from many investors has become quite normal and is expanding rapidly as more and more folks are coming to invest in bitcoin and crypto. Its like the roaring 20's before the 29 crash.
Bitcoin is all built on confidence like the US dollar and really has nothing behind it despite the 21 million limited supply.
Trump will use higher bitcoin and crypto prices to promote the wellbeing of the economy next year and how he has turned America around.
It will quickly spin out of control. These digital assets can be inflated to infinity and then it will be seen they have no value.
"Hey Kier, you got that LBMA thang going over here in London, i mean, how about making that "B" stand for something fancy digital that doesn't exist ? We even have an ETF for it ! It's just broken a hundred thousand bucks (which incidentally also do not exist but - shhhhh)"
Swapping nothings for different nothings.
Jochen your questions will make fraudsters nervous.
Is Bitcoin the trojan horse to CBDC's??
BTC is a false asset and is non-private.
It introduces the concept of digital / tokenized assets in the matrix.
They are going to manipulate Bitcoin and other crypto's with digital paper trades just like they did with silver.
The young guys who are making a fortune off bitcoin and alt crypto's don't know what is coming. The precious metal investors have seen this game before and what happens when the banks and big investors like Blackrock get there hands on the market.
Not saying you still can't make good money off crypto and there is some incredible technology in that space.
What's your thoughts on Trump pumping crypto, sounds like we will see bitcoin, tether and the us dollar intertwine much more next year.
Given the problems with finite London metal supply, it appears to be desired that BTC/crypto goes much higher, before it ultimately goes to zero.
A useful distraction.
Talk about adding insult to injury to silver stackers. They just never relent, always wanting more. When does the karma boomerang come back in full swing for any of the psychopaths currently running things? Meanwhile, they're trying to lure in many more future victims with their schemes.
As always, David, thank you for being a beacon in the night. I hope many find safe harbour through your efforts here.
Thank you Kevin. I hope everyone who reads this Substack finds a way to protect themselves as currency and financials assets become wiped out.
Its fascinating to watch, so much at play with so many key players involved. Maybe it is a distraction to the main show.
Bitcoin was supposed to be people's money but now the banks and big investors have the largest stake and the people are coming in droves from around the world. Peter Schiff makes this point in arguments continually.
Do they want to pass the crisis onto Trump is another factor worth considering.
I know I'm a bit late with this but anyway: I'm curious, if I have enough spare cash(I don't) lying around and I decided to buy a few btc, who is the actual beneficiary of the funds I transfer across. Which bank actually holds the funds. I find it all so weird that someone can set up in business, advertising a bunch of, one off, numbers and letters in return for $100k. These letter and numbers will be sent to you by electronic form. There will be no paper note and no paper documentation whatsoever that you ever bought those letters and numbers anywhere other that on your device. Lose the device. Have it wiped by a virus or any other for of loss and you're stuffed. Stuffed and trussed up like a Christmas turkey. Broke and In the gutter and yet thousands of people have bought into this bunch of letters and numbers that you cannot even hold in your hand. This Cj477ry77vbfhujbfj467885ifhgBh8r6r =$100,000 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️
It is a baffling scam. And yet closely tracked and discussed as if it is a valuable asset. Beyond comprehension in a way.
Yip. But if you send me $100k I'll send you those numbers to your own email account 🤣🤣
Just like magic beans!!
Hi David, great article to reflect on. For the fun of it, and if you had to guess, what sort of price would BTC have to go to get silver stackers to change their minds? And at that price, approximately what would silver's price be? A guess is good enough for me. No one can really know. Cheers!
BTC is being sent to the moon with help of IBIT. Silver owners implicitly understand that BTC is manure. Can't say the price at which manure becomes of interest to silver holders, if at all. McAfee understood BTC was going to zero and warned us.
Great article! If you own gold or silver, it's best to own it outright (physically).
However, considering the 1933 experience when President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed private ownership of gold, nothing is ever 100% safe. Aside from a repeat of that action or the risk of theft, physical ownership is best.
If you prefer a silver ETF, I personally (along with other investors) prefer PSLV (Sprott Physical Silver Trust), as its collateral storage seems much more secure and reliable than SLV.
Ask yourself how much gold got turned in in 1933 - dig a little.
You make a great point. Not everyone turned in their gold when private ownership of gold was outlawed between 1933 and 1974; many kept their gold, but they did so at the risk of fines and prison time. I am not against physical gold—in fact, I like it quite a bit. I believe it should be part of an investment portfolio. My only point is that one needs to be aware of that scenario. Nothing is 100% safe. When it comes to investing, I like the quote, "There are no certainties, only probabilities."
Gold and silver will be the only thing left standing in a the end. Make your choice.