I think the Fed raised rates on purpose years ago to begin collpasing the current system, in order to;

(1); Transition to the new CBDC/Crypto monetary slavery surveillance system economy & (2); To transition power from west to east.

The bankers would never have purposely introduced an imbalance to the system like raised rates, unless they were ready to begin the transition.

The collpase has already happened. We just don't look like Venezuela overnight.

1. The USD has already collapsed because; it has negative purchasing power even though people still accept it as payment.

2. $35 trillion in debt unpayable

3. Interest in debt unpayable

4. $217+ trillion in unfunded liabilites unpayable

5. The population has no wealth.

6. The population has no savings.

7. Real interest rates are negative

8. We have been in a Recession since 2008 that was papered over by QE and Artificially low interest rates. A Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020 Hence why 80% of all US currency ever exist was created in 22 months and did nothing to "stimulate growth". That's how worthless the dollar is.

A country that has unpayable debt, unpayable liabilites, unpayable interest, a worthless currency, a population with no wealth or savings in a depression= collpase.

The process has already happened. Its just that visually, looking like a fourth world country happens slower.

Metals are starting to show what has already been a reality but just ignored.

-Dillon Critique from what's THE DILL? (substack)


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GDX has been pulling awak from the tech etf XLK since the day after the Fed cut. Too a small sample size but encouraging.

I also pair SILJ against Nvidia and it's close but SILJ in the lead

Inflation is leaking into the metals complex

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The central banker policy of driving asset inflation cannot be sequestered in financial assets over the long term. We will see real goods price inflation continue and accelerated going forward. The fraud of the currency printers will be revealed.

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Would enjoy hearing your thoughts on Bix Weir’s musings (hope I get this right) that the available silver investment stock isn’t that far off from gold’s (due to industrial silver consumption); hence, we could see at least a temporary spike in the Ag:Au ratio to near parity at some point.

We might need a new premium dating website for those seeking a silver stacker for a partner.

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I am seeing very little physical silver in the market. It has to revalue, IMO. https://jensendavid.substack.com/p/indications-that-the-london-vault

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Wonder what a John Williams / shadowstats.com inflation calculator run on the 1980 $49.45 high would return? My gut suggests around $2k/oz, as outrageous as that may sound.

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The price of a Big Mac and a pickup truck are ~ 6x since 1980. That would yield ~ $300. The drive much higher IMO will be a currency and bond market crisis.

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Here’s hoping we aren’t approaching such financial trauma: hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

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