Jun 15Liked by David Jensen

Intriguing article. It is beginning to seem as though the silver squeeze may actually be upon us soon, hard to define soon. :) Sad day for me to hear of Ted Butler's passing, as he taught me much years ago via his many articles.

Thank you for your good work David.

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Thank you Kevin. Also - I have heard nothing about Ted Butler passing away. Do you have a link?

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I have seen no news article yet, but I read on X that David Morgan @silverguru22 posted this : Sad day- Just learned that Ted Butler passed away. I and several others will be on a panel with Dunagan next week to discuss Ted’s work and whatever comes up.

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This liquidity crunch cannot come soon enough.

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We need a bit of James Bond excitement, perhaps a shootout on a Chinese airstrip with a plane full of silver attempting to leave 😂😭🤣

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Good one... Too funny.🗯️

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Thank you for all your work David, and certainly sad if Ted has passed so close to seeing the fruition of his work.

We can agree that the big 4 bullion banks are not run by stupid people.

Why were they ALL visiting the SGE now ?

Perhaps the following .

They are now certain a shortage will soon affect the market and therefore the price , (upwards)

They know their own positions in both London and the Comex, so they were verifying what is available, and when the shortage will hit.

So, now they know when the shortage will occur.

I suspect they will have agreed on a strategy and a price reset that they can profit from.

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Interesting times. I guess fractional reserve practices bled over to precious metals, who would have thought, what with the Western bankers leading the pack.

Q. So what do you get when you cross a TBTF Western Bank with rehypothicated precious metals on a massive scale?

A. Rich

Let's just hope the western gooberments don't come looking for our silver under the auspices of "national security". Might be wise to spread holdings around so they are not all in a single country.

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Scale: 5B oz bullion bank short position in spot silver.

Price moves $100 higher due to failure of paper price setting system.

$500B losses spread between bullion banks.

Tough to explain to shareholders.

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We can dream, at least!

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What do you mean by "$500B losses spread between bullion banks" please ?

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This is bigger than Madoff. I am a novice investor…I just can’t believe the regulators let this happen. It’s really crazy. When they can’t deliver all hell will break loose. Right?

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The ETF investors might be in for a shock; for the buy and hold silver investors do we know the relative proportions of physical holders verses paper holders?

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Given that the London vault inventory has barely moved this year, it appears that the majority are investors with a longer-term view of silver.

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Isnt there a "Great Taking" possibility regarding silver ? i.e. that the CRIMEX could simply call force majeure and seize all the physical to back up TBTF banks ?

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the London cash market has an estimated 5B - 8B oz. in claims.

If the COMEX seized the 296M oz in its vaults, the global silver trade would shunt COMEX to the side.

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It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on "tokenising" gold and silver, as some ponder that being done these days. Perhaps in a future article?

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